I’ve said a couple times in other post that I promise one day to show you all my collection of apothecary jars. You’ve heard me mention before that I love glass and I pretty much had a serious problem of buying these jars all the time a few years back. Now I have too many to display and keep the rotated so I only buy when I see one I really love. One day I’d love to have a shelf long and tall enough to display them all and I would just showcase the design of each jar and keep them empty. For now here are the ones I have and how I use them.

This was my very first jar, I purchased this one at Z Gallery years ago and I learned that orchids thrive in them since it creates a tropical environment.

These have two ferns in them, the one on the right is looking rough, but generally the ferns do well in them. The one on the left came from Home Goods and the one on the right from Target.

This is not really a apothecary jar but I keep it in the same category. Just picked this little guy up at HomeGoods a few weeks ago.

Holding dog treats, this one I found for $2 at a yard sale.

You’ve seen these on my mantle before
here. The one on the left is an old one similar to my yard sale find above. It came from Goodwill for $2 and the one on the left came from HomeGoods.

These 3 are probably my most expensive ones, they all came from Pottery Barn and were a Christmas gift from my Mom.

These are in my bathroom holding various items. From the left, TJ Maxx, Pottery Barn, HomeGoods.

These are in storage for now, the small one up front came from TJ Maxx, the hidden one in the back left is from HomeGoods and served as a fish bowl for a Beta Fish for a while. The tall one in the middle came from Z Gallery.

This small one is not used a lot, not sure where it was purchased.

This one is from my husband. It has quite the story :) It was a Valentine’s Day gift a few years back right in the height of my addiction to buying these. This one came from a local gift shop. At the gift shop I found one that looked like this one…
I had to have it, I asked for it for Valentines Day but I was too impatient. I hate Valentines Day and I won’t get into that but I really didn’t think Will would buy so I did. I bought it about 2 weeks before Valentines and I hid it. I didn’t want him to know I had bought ANOTHER one. Well about a week before Valentines day he went to buy it and the lady at the counter told him they had just sold it…TO ME!!! Well he was not happy, so he bought the other one and I was the one in for the surprise. Moral of the story…I got TWO! :)
Sadly the one I bought was one of many to fall to it’s death. I found the one above about a year later at HomeGoods and it is identical and was about half the price.
I think all in all I’ve had 4 break, they are extremely fragile and I am extremely clumsy. I can only be blamed for the death of two that I dropped. The dog broke one running in the house and just recently I knocked the side of one with the lid and it cracked open a big hole in the side, nothing I could do about that.
So now I’ve showed you my shopping addiction. At least they are all very useful. What do you collect??
Fun!!! You gave me an idea.....brb.... JK. lol