I love bird watching and have many feeders that I keep out in the winter and I have summer feeders as well. Originally I thought my cat Nipper would be entertained by a few feeders to watch during the day and I found that I really enjoyed them as well. But now it has turned into a decorating collection that I am sure will turn into an obsession very quickly.
I found this little guy at a thrift shop about 6 months ago. When I took this picture I realized I also had a bird cage, I've had it for years...one of my first decorative accessories.
This bigger ceramic bird I found at an antique shop right after Christmas. These little birds add a pop of color and little whimsy which is a big part of my decorating habits.
I saw these great curtain rods in a Lowe's Home Improvement catalog and had to have them so after Christmas I took my Lowe's gift card and snatched them up. Very cutesy but they are small and do not over power the room. This also happens to be my bird watching window :)

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