Happy Sunday Everyone! My friend Renee over at
The Refined Relic ask me to take part in a Tour Through Blogland which is a group of bloggers posting about their home & blog so that other readers can get to know them better. Please be sure to check out Renee’s tour
I was actually scheduled to post on Monday but I am traveling for work so I decided to get this going today.

Here at A Heart’s Desire I blog about decorating, my crafty adventures, furniture refinishing, gardening and occasionally something yummy I’ve baked. I enjoy the process of making a house a home and putting my stamp on our home. I enjoy my home, inside and out and pour a lot of love into it. I hope that is something my readers pick up on when they read my adventures.

Over the past few years and soon after starting this blog, me and my husband Will have moved a few times and it has given me the opportunity to decorate a few homes and find ways to use my belongings in different ways. Many years ago we bought land to develop into a neighborhood and we have been working on selling lots to builders, but with the ups and downs of the economy it has taken some time to do this. We have built two homes in the neighborhood and lived in both, leaving behind our first home. We are now living in the second home that we built in the neighborhood. It is a small farmhouse style that really fits our current needs. This process has taught me to live on a decorating budget, so I have become quite the thrift shopper.