This week I am going to tell you a little bit about my personal life. I really prefer not to write about it on the blog but it absolutely affects the blog and projects that are completed so here goes….
This has been a hard week! I have had many ups and downs from being stressed and upset to happy.
As you long time readers know, me and my husband own a piece of land that we have developed into a neighborhood and we are actively trying to sell lots to builders. You can read more
Here and
Here if you are unfamiliar. We purchased the land 5 years ago and began this journey. Little did we know when we purchased the economy would take a downturn so we’ve been patiently waiting and trying to sell lots. It was a huge risk that becomes more and more obvious to me as the days, weeks, and months pass. We have had ups and downs all along the way mainly being financial stress for me. I am NOT the risk taker, Will is.
In the last year we have sold a total of 4 lots and currently there are 4 occupied homes in the neighborhood. We are currently living in one. Over the Winter we’ve had water lines installed to open up additional lots. This is necessary to record lots and recorded lots are necessary to sell lots. This week everything was finalized and recorded on the next phase of the neighborhood but it was no easy task. I won’t go into all the details but it was a roller coaster ride of paperwork and funds to make it happen. My husband did all the work and I worried all week!
Will did an awesome job running around getting paper work signed and making things happen. The reason we needed everything to be complete in such a short time is because we have a few interested builders and we needed the lots recorded by the county and available for purchase.
Purchasing this land and going through the motions of payments monthly and other expenses associated with the ownership has truly changed my life. Having just turned 32, I certainly thought my life would look differently at this age. As this weeks stress mounted I had a rush of emotions and felt like the process would never end, that we will never be able to move on with our lives. In reality I know this is false.
I am the type of person that will have one negative emotion and it brings up everything else that feels wrong in my life at the same time and feel miserable for a few days.
This week felt like a breaking point….I had a wake up call. I realized that I needed to eliminate stress from my life and stop being so hard on myself. I also realized I need to have more fun and stop being so worried about the next project and get it done when I can.
My Mema’s (grandma) brother, Freeman, died this week and his funeral was Wednesday. It was the best service. He was a man of few words but his life was celebrated in the best way and the reflection of a life well lived really got to me. It really made me think about changing things and making things better and easier on myself.
As you all know, we have moved 4 times since June of last year and that has been tough. The moving has been in an effort to build and sell in the neighborhood.
I have struggled with two things during this phase of life more than ever.
I have gained 15-20 pounds that won’t budge. I know I don’t exercise and eat like I should. I’ve always been an emotional eater and that is definitely the case.
We have also struggled to find a church home since we’ve been married. I am a member of my hometown church and have just not been able to find one that compares, but I crave a church home and I need the messages and teachings in my life.
I know if I can get these two things under control my life will be better and I will be happier.
So today I made two positive changes…We went to a new church this morning and I ran for 20 minutes this afternoon. Already my heart feels more filled and my legs are killing me!
As for moving ahead I am making small positive changes to better myself and manage my stress level. How it affects the blog…I will still be here and I will do what I can when I can. I have a mountain of projects including those for the new house.

But and a big BUT, I don’t want the projects to run my life. I am still a wife, cook, animal mom, and have a 40+ hour per week job. I am also determined to find more time for a healthier lifestyle and more importantly GOD!
So there you have it…my week, my life, all out on the table.
I clean to make myself feel better…some people would say that is the real sickness. I now have an organized potting bench and paint station in my garage thanks to this weeks events.

My week did end very happy! It’s going to be alright! Good things are to come with the land sales and I am optimistic about the future. Everyone has moments in life and this was one of mine, I hope my small changes make a big impact!