I cannot even describe how much I needed a vacation! I needed to get out of town and away from everything that goes along with packing and moving and a break from work didn’t hurt either. Here is my paradise…
Will and I went on a family vacation with his parents, sister and her husband in the Bahamas. We had a great time and I unplugged from my cell phone, email, and even Facebook for at least 80% of the time I was away…It was awesome! Next time I think I will leave the phone at home.
But I had to take some Instagram pictures…

This is where we stayed, Hopetown, in the Abaco’s. That is Will and his Dad taking pictures of the lighthouse. It is such a quaint little town and very much laid back island life here.
We had a boat and a golf cart so we were very mobile.
I held this crab and it totally freaked me out. It had huge pinchers! The two guys here rented the golf cart and we kept running into them on the island. One day they had just got back from crabbing and had a whole bunch.
We went to Man-O-War and visited this really cool Sail Shop where the ladies there sew bags from sail boat sails. We tried to convince them to get on Etsy and set up shop…they could make a killing!!!

My new beach bag. It has a yellow bottom, not in the picture but cool because it is the Bahamian flag colors.
At Lubber’s we met some really cool cats and the bar owner had a great eye for design.

Here is everyone, minus Will relaxing by the sea. It was a wonderful trip and it’s hard to believe it has already passed up by. We had been planning for almost a year. Now I need another vacation so I can get back this nice relaxed glow :)
Hope you are all enjoying your Summer and going somewhere fun! It is my favorite time of year and it is finally HOT here at home :)